Anna Hayes

Anna Hayes headshot


An Introduction to the World of Statistical Consulting

Anna will give an introduction to the world of statistical consulting in a small, private consulting entity. She will discuss what the role of a statistical consultant entails and discusses the skills sets that are relevant for a successful career as a statistical consultant. Anna will also touch on some of the projects she has worked on in order to demonstrate the depth and interest that a career in statistical consulting offers.


Anna Hayes is an experienced statistical consultant, having worked at Data Analysis Australia (DDA) since 2002. In her professional roles at DDA, Anna has worked with various clients and managed projects across a diverse range of application and industry areas. These include the energy sector, legal services and applications of environmental and governmental relevance. Through these projects, Anna has gained robust statistical experiences relating to survey design and survey data analysis, forecasting/prediction modelling, data governance and various other methods commonly applied for statistical analysis.

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